Processed Style: IQF | Form & Cut: Cubes, Sliced, Whole | Cultivation Type: Non-GMO, Conventional | Packaging Type: PP Bags, Carton Box, Bulk (Bulk in Container or Bulk in Vessel) | Color: Red | Grade: 2등급, Substandard, Grade B, Standard, Choice, U.S. Grade C, U.S. Grade B, U.S. Grade A, Grade A | Size: 비계량됨, 25~35 mm, 15~25 mm
Pure Valley for Export
Frozen Jackfruit · 베트남
Processed Style: 냉동, IQF, BQF | Form & Cut: Sliced, Peeled, Ready to Eat | Cultivation Type: Non-GMO
Egyptian Frozen Strawberries · 이집트
Processed Style: Blast Frozen, BQF, IQF | Form & Cut: Halves, Chunks, Cubes, Sliced, Diced, Whole | Color: Red | Size: Jumbo, 25~35 mm, 15~25 mm
Peruvian Frozen Mango · 페루
Variety: Kent, Edward | Processed Style: IQF | Form & Cut: Halves, Chunks, Cubes, Diced | Cultivation Type: Conventional | Packaging Type: As per customer's request, LDPE Bags | Color: Yellow | Grade: High Quality
Damoa Corporation
Frozen Banana - FruitBuys Vietnam +84-919739589 · 베트남
Variety: Banana | Processed Style: 냉동 | Form & Cut: Halves, Segments, Chunks, Cubes, Sliced, Peeled, Diced | Cultivation Type: Non-GMO | Packaging Type: As per customer's request, Carton Box, PE Bag, PP Bags
FruitBuys Vietnam
Frozen Dragon Fruit - FruitBuys Vietnam +84-919739589 · 베트남
Variety: Dragon Fruit | Processed Style: 냉동 | Form & Cut: Whole, Halves, Segments, Chunks, Cubes, Sliced, Peeled, Diced, Ready to Eat | Cultivation Type: Non-GMO | Packaging Type: As per customer's request, Carton Box, PE Bag, PP Bags
FruitBuys Vietnam
가장 인기 있는 냉동 과일 상품
글로벌 바이어들이 신뢰하는 농업 분야의 전문가인 판매자들로부터 냉동 과일 상품을 발견하세요. 이러한 신뢰할 수 있는 산업 리더들과 파트너십을 맺고 안전하고 오래 지속될 수 있는 비즈니스 관계를 구축하세요.
Frozen Mango - FruitBuys Vietnam +84-919739589 · 베네수엘라
Form & Cut: Sliced, Chunks, Cubes, Crushed, Peeled, Diced | Cultivation Type: Non-GMO | Packaging Type: Plastic Box, Plastic Punnets, As per customer's request, Carton Box, PE Bag | Color: Yellow | Grade: High Quality
FruitBuys Vietnam
Durian · 베트남
Processed Style: BQF | Grade: Brix: More than 33%, Grade A