데이터 기반 트렌드 분석을 통해 인도에서 신선 코코넛의 주요 무역 동향을 탐구하세요. 주요 무역 파트너와 그들의 역할, 그리고 이해관계자가 시장 조건에 미치는 영향을 분석합니다. 또한, 국내 가격 동향을 분석하여 현지 요인이 수출 가격에 어떻게 영향을 미치는지 보여줍니다.
마켓 이벤트
(12월 2022)
2022년 12월 28일
Sri Lanka's coconut industry is facing challenges such as whitefly attacks, lack of fertiliser, and climate change, which are threatening production and increasing nut prices. The industry, which covers 1.1 million acres and produces 3.3 billion nuts annually, is seeking the adoption of climate-smart agricultural practices. The Coconut Cultivation Board (CCB) and the Coconut Research Institute (CRI) are implementing measures like Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), breeding of resistant varieties, integrated pest management, and intercropping to enhance productivity and sustainability. However, issues such as high production costs, inadequate research funding, and outdated regulations are hindering the industry's growth. Small-scale growers face challenges in affording fertiliser, and there is a need for market-oriented interventions and modernisation of irrigation and fertiliser application practices. The industry also struggles with labour shortages and skills gaps, especially with the whitefly issue. KPL is experimenting with intercrops and irrigation techniques to mitigate climate change impacts and improve yield sustainability. The industry's future strategies include digitalisation of services, capital investment for modernisation, and subsidy schemes for smallholders to address these challenges and boost export earnings.