데이터 기반 트렌드 분석을 통해 칠레에서 신선 칠면조 절단육의 주요 무역 동향을 탐구하세요. 주요 무역 파트너와 그들의 역할, 그리고 이해관계자가 시장 조건에 미치는 영향을 분석합니다. 또한, 국내 가격 동향을 분석하여 현지 요인이 수출 가격에 어떻게 영향을 미치는지 보여줍니다.
마켓 이벤트
(11월 2022)
2022년 11월 28일
From January to September of 2022, Chile experienced a decrease in agricultural production, with beef production down by 10.4% compared to the previous year, reaching 130,854 tons. Pork production saw a slight decrease of 1.8%, totaling 387,363 tons, while poultry production increased by 2.1% to 507,065 tons, and turkey meat production also grew by 2.1% to 50,931 tons. Import levels for these meats also saw a decrease of 18.3% from January to October compared to the previous year. However, beef and poultry meat exports experienced growth, with beef exports increasing by 52.1% to 21,693 tons, and poultry meat exports increasing by 14% to 144,703 tons, despite a decrease in pork exports by 15.7% to 191,863 tons.