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마켓 이벤트
(12월 2022)
2022년 12월 15일
China's imports of fresh and frozen beef from its top suppliers, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, New Zealand, and Australia, accounted for 86.9% of total imports in the first nine months of 2022. While imports have been on the rise from other countries, particularly the US, the UK's exports have seen a decrease despite the country reopening trade with China in 2019. The majority of Chinese beef imports were frozen (over 96%). Despite pork being the staple meat in China, beef demand is expected to grow due to the African Swine Fever and an increase in higher-income households. However, the foodservice sector has not yet recovered to pre-pandemic levels, and the economy is still being impacted by zero-COVID policies. Industry reports predict that China's beef imports will see slight growth in the long term.