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마켓 이벤트
(12월 2022)
2022년 12월 30일
The article provides an overview of the UK's lamb export and import dynamics, with a focus on the recent trends in the European Union (EU) and New Zealand markets. It highlights a growth in UK lamb exports to the EU by 13.9% to 4,500 tonnes in October, despite a slight decrease in the EU's market share to 91.3% from 96.1% in 2021. The report also notes a decline in Belgian imports by 17.3%, while France experienced a increase in imports.
Fresh, chilled carcases and half carcases remain the primary category in UK lamb exports, contributing 72% to the total trade in October. Overall, the UK has exported 60,600 tonnes of fresh and frozen lamb so far this year, marking a 10.4% increase compared to the same period last year.
On the other hand, imports of fresh and frozen lamb have decreased by 36.9% in October, largely due to a seasonal drop from New Zealand. Despite this, the share of frozen lamb in imports from New Zealand has seen a significant increase to 95.7% in October, up from 75.8% in the same period last year. This shift towards frozen lamb could be attributed to risk management strategies aiming to mitigate supply chain disruptions. Meanwhile, imports from the EU and Ireland have experienced notable increases by 137% and 291% respectively year-to-date, contributing to an overall 24.2% rise in imports compared to last year.