데이터 기반 트렌드 분석을 통해 니카라과에서 생 커피 원두의 주요 무역 동향을 탐구하세요. 주요 무역 파트너와 그들의 역할, 그리고 이해관계자가 시장 조건에 미치는 영향을 분석합니다. 또한, 국내 가격 동향을 분석하여 현지 요인이 수출 가격에 어떻게 영향을 미치는지 보여줍니다.
마켓 이벤트
(11월 2022)
2022년 11월 21일
On November 21, 2022, Vietnam saw a significant increase in the prices of key agricultural products, with coffee reaching a high of 39,500 VND/kg and pepper at 61,500 VND/kg in some regions. globally, the price of Robusta coffee in London for January 2023 delivery was $1,811 per ton, while Arabica coffee in New York for December 2022 was 151.3 cents/lb. The 2021-2022 crop year witnessed a decline in Brazilian and Colombian arabica coffee exports, but an increase in other arabica and robusta coffee exports, with Vietnam and India playing a significant role. Pepper exports have seen a steady increase over the past decade, with Vietnam being the leading producer. Despite India's fluctuating exports, there has been a notable increase in its pepper re-exports. Globally, pepper prices have trended downward in the last five years, leading to an expansion in growing areas and resulting in lower prices from 2019 to early 2020.