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마켓 이벤트
(12월 2022)
2022년 12월 22일
The USDA's latest grain and oilseed forecast reports an overall decrease in world corn production by 4.5% due to reductions in the United States, European Union, and Ukraine, while South American production is expected to grow. Global grain exports are projected to fall by 10.3%, with only South America showing an increase in exportable supply. China's maize import demand is expected to decrease by 17.7%, but imports by the European Union and other countries are expected to rise. World soybean production is anticipated to increase by 10.0%, with the United States, Brazil, and Argentina leading the production. Export activity will be predominantly led by Brazil, and China's import of soybeans is expected to grow by 7.0%. The stocks of oilseeds are expected to see a global increase of 7.5%, but the United States, Iran, India, and China are expected to see a decrease in stocks, while Paraguay, Canada, Ukraine, Brazil, and the European Union are expected to see an increase.