데이터 기반 트렌드 분석을 통해 미국에서 토마토 퓌레의 주요 무역 동향을 탐구하세요. 주요 무역 파트너와 그들의 역할, 그리고 이해관계자가 시장 조건에 미치는 영향을 분석합니다. 또한, 국내 가격 동향을 분석하여 현지 요인이 수출 가격에 어떻게 영향을 미치는지 보여줍니다.
마켓 이벤트
(12월 2022)
2022년 12월 21일
The article summarizes a presentation by Mark De La Mater from the 2022 Tomato News Conference, focusing on the 2022 processing tomato season in California and its implications for the 2023 and 2024 crop years. The presentation highlighted the challenges faced by California's tomato processing industry, including drought, heatwaves, unseasonable rainstorms, and significant cost increases for processors and growers. Despite these challenges and strong market incentives, there was a 14% miss from initial production intentions in 2022, with record low inventory positions expected. Furthermore, assuming reasonable production and movement levels for 2023 and 2024, inventory levels do not rebound, staying at record lows, leading to continued strong upward pressure on bulk paste prices until July 2025. De La Mater stressed that the issues are rooted in the growing sector and urged stakeholders to collaborate to boost the sector's productivity and reliability to improve the supply chain's sustainability.