페루에서 대두의 수입량, 가격 동향, 공급업체 성과를 분석하여 시장 역학과 성장 기회에 대한 중요한 인사이트를 확인하세요. 다양한 이해관계자의 역할과 시장 조건이 비즈니스에 미치는 영향을 조사합니다.
마켓 이벤트
(6월 2022)
2022년 6월 10일
The recent USDA report for the 2022/23 U.S. corn outlook shows an increase in beginning stocks, a slight rise in use, and a increase in ending stocks, despite unchanged forecasts for corn area and yield. This is primarily due to a forecast decrease in exports for 2021/22 and an increase in food, seed, and industrial use. Global coarse grain production for 2022/23 is also forecast to increase, with changes in production, trade, and ending stocks for various countries and grains such as corn and barley. Notably, EU corn imports are expected to rise, while exports are expected to decrease for countries like Australia, the EU, and Ukraine, leading to increased corn ending stocks globally.