
Price for Dried Zucchini in South Korea

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Wholesale prices of Dried Zucchini in South Korea

Recent wholesale prices

Over the past 4 weeks, the wholesale price of South Korea Dried Zucchini has typically been between $1.08 and $3.64 USD per kg, or $0.49 to $1.65 USD per pound (lb).
These prices are based on reports from regions such as Daegu, Songpa-gu, Sasang-gu, Buk-gu, Gwangju
Low price, USD/kg
Low price, USD/kg
Low price, USD/lb
Low price, USD/lb
High price, USD/kg
High price, USD/kg
High price, USD/lb
High price, USD/lb
Past 4 weeks

Historical wholesale price trends

The wholesale price of South Korea Dried Zucchini has experienced an upward trend over the past two years, reflecting shifts in market supply and demand. In 2023, wholesale prices ranged from $0.50 to $2.71 USD per kg. By 2024, wholesales prices increased to a new range of $0.55 to $3.65 USD per kg, signaling continued growth in South Korea Dried Zucchini price.
Low price, USD/kg
Low price, USD/kg
Low price, USD/lb
Low price, USD/lb
High price, USD/kg
High price, USD/kg
High price, USD/lb
High price, USD/lb

Recently updated wholesale prices

Recent wholesale price of Dried Zucchini in South Korea was 23,000 KRW per 10 kg, reported on 2025-03-28 for the following specification: High Quality(grade).
See the table below for more recent wholesale prices.
Reported on
Reported on
Price (USD/kg)
Price (USD/kg)
Reported price
Reported price
High Quality(grade)
KRW 23,000/10 kg
High Quality(grade)
KRW 18,300/10 kg
High Quality(grade)
KRW 15,000/10 kg
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Import prices of Dried Zucchini in South Korea

Historical import price trends

The import price of Dried Zucchini to South Korea has demonstrated stability over the last two years, indicating a consistent market trend. In 2023, import prices for Dried Zucchini to South Korea ranged from $1.40 USD per kg to $1.40 USD per kg. By 2024, the import price remained steady between $1.40 and $1.40 USD per kg, indicating a balanced supply and demand in South Korea’s import market for Dried Zucchini.
Low price, USD/kg
Low price, USD/kg
Low price, USD/lb
Low price, USD/lb
High price, USD/kg
High price, USD/kg
High price, USD/lb
High price, USD/lb

Recent import records

On 2024-01-05, Dried Zucchini reported as “[호박(열매,건조)] 건애호박__DRIED ZUCCHINI” was imported by a company in South Korea from a company in Uzbekistan.
See the table below for more recent transactions.
Unit price
Unit price
Reported product name
Reported product name
[호박(열매,건조)] 건애호박__DRIED ZUCCHINI
Company name
Company name
South Korea
[호박(열매,건조)] 건애호박__DRIED ZUCCHINI
Company name
Company name
South Korea
To access detailed information, including unit prices and company names, get full access to our Transaction Data.

FAQ for Dried Zucchini price in South Korea

What is the HS code for Dried Zucchini?
The HS code for Dried Zucchini is 070993 - Vegetables; pumpkins, squash and gourds (Cucurbita spp.), fresh or chilled.
What varieties are there for Dried Zucchini in South Korea?
Tridge offers domestic price data for a range of Dried Zucchini varieties, including Korean Zucchini - Neulgeunhobak, Korean Zucchini - Aehobak, Italian, Unspecified, Blackthorn, Eight Ball, Baby, Round, Creole, Huracán, Menina Brasileira, Round De Nice, Marimba, Lebanese, Bubango, Ampul, Summer Green Tiger, Italian Ribbed, Black Beauty, Princesa. For Dried Zucchini in South Korea, price data is available for varieties such as Korean Zucchini - Neulgeunhobak, Korean Zucchini - Aehobak, Round, Korean, Unspecified.
Where does Tridge source its price data?
Tridge gathers price data from over 400 trusted global sources, including government public sources, producers, traders, and local industry experts. We ensure data accuracy through both human oversight and cutting-edge AI technology, which helps manage missing values, detect outliers, and standardize currency and units.
How are the low and high prices for South Korea Dried Zucchini calculated?
The low and high prices are calculated from South Korea data for Dried Zucchini during the selected period, showing the typical price range after excluding outliers. Please note that trends may differ when analyzed in more detail, such as by product variety, company, or specific timeframes.
How much price data is available for Dried Zucchini on Tridge?
In the past 6 months, 9828 Dried Zucchini price entries were updated for South Korea.
How much transaction data is there for Dried Zucchini in South Korea in Tridge?
We have 2 transaction records for Dried Zucchini in South Korea. Visit our About Transaction Data page to explore its features.

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