
Price for Fruit and Barley Squash in Brazil

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Wholesale prices of Fruit and Barley Squash in Brazil

Historical wholesale price trends

The wholesale price of Brazil Fruit and Barley Squash has experienced fluctuations over the past two years, reflecting changing market conditions in the market. In 2023, wholesale prices varied between $0.98 USD per kg and $1.47 USD per kg. By 2024, the volatility persisted, with wholesale prices ranging from $0.97 USD to $2.61 USD per kg, highlighting ongoing price variability for Brazil Fruit and Barley Squash.
Low price, USD/kg
Low price, USD/kg
Low price, USD/lb
Low price, USD/lb
High price, USD/kg
High price, USD/kg
High price, USD/lb
High price, USD/lb

Recently updated wholesale prices

Recent wholesale price of Fruit and Barley Squash in Brazil was 35.28 BRL per Bale (6000 ml), reported on 2024-12-16.
See the table below for more recent wholesale prices.
Reported on
Reported on
Price (USD/kg)
Price (USD/kg)
Reported price
Reported price
BRL 35.28/Bale (6000 ml)
BRL 39.96/Bale (4260 ml)
BRL 28.05/Bale (2130 ml)
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FAQ for Fruit and Barley Squash price in Brazil

What is the HS code for Fruit and Barley Squash?
The HS code for Fruit and Barley Squash is 200989 - Juice; of any single fruit or vegetable n.e.c. in heading no. 2009, unfermented, not contai.
Where does Tridge source its price data?
Tridge gathers price data from over 400 trusted global sources, including government public sources, producers, traders, and local industry experts. We ensure data accuracy through both human oversight and cutting-edge AI technology, which helps manage missing values, detect outliers, and standardize currency and units.
How are the low and high prices for Brazil Fruit and Barley Squash calculated?
The low and high prices are calculated from Brazil data for Fruit and Barley Squash during the selected period, showing the typical price range after excluding outliers. Please note that trends may differ when analyzed in more detail, such as by product variety, company, or specific timeframes.
How much price data is available for Fruit and Barley Squash on Tridge?
In the past 6 months, 8 Fruit and Barley Squash price entries were updated for Brazil.
How much transaction data is there for Fruit and Barley Squash in Brazil in Tridge?
We have 0 transaction records for Fruit and Barley Squash in Brazil. Visit our About Transaction Data page to explore its features.

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