Partner with Egypt Fresh Grape suppliers with extensive experience in their industry. Find quality products from trusted experts who prioritize reliability.
Shop our diverse collection of Fresh Grape from Egypt, offering top-notch quality and the most competitive wholesale prices for your distribution needs.
Aspirou grape · Egypt
First choice
grapes · Egypt
Variety: White Seedless, Red Seedless, Early Sweet, Prime, Superior | Processed Style: Fresh | Form & Cut: Whole | Packaging Type: Box 5 kg, Plastic Punnets, Carton Box | Color: Green, Red | Grade: Class 1 | Type: Seedless, Seeded
E2M Import / Export & Commercial Agencies
grape 🍇 · Egypt
Variety: Black Giant, Neo Muscat, Ideal, Muscat Bailey A, Rodette | Processed Style: Fresh | Cultivation Type: Greenhouse | Packaging Type: Packed, Box 5 kg | Grade: Excellent Quality, Super Quality, Commercial | Type: Seedless | Usage: Table Grape
gaara group
Grape · Egypt
Variety: Black Magic, Early Sweet, Prime, Superior, Crimson Seedless, Red Seeded - Red Globe, Flame | Processed Style: Fresh | Form & Cut: Whole | Packaging Type: Plastic Punnets, Plastic Box, Carton Box | Color: Green, Black, Red | Grade: Class 1, Extra Class | Type: Seedless, Seeded | Usage: Table Grape
Alharameen for export&import
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Popular Fresh Grape selection
Browse the most popular attributes and top options for Fresh Grape to meet your business needs.
Superior (=Sugarone=Sugraone=Menindee Seedless) | Flame | Crimson Seedless (=Crimson=C102-26) | Red Seeded - Red Globe | Thompson (=Thompson Seedless=Sultana=Sultanina=Sultan) | Prime | Early Sweet | Black Seedless - Autumn Royal | Starlight | Red Seeded
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