Import market for Fresh Kiwifruit in Turkiye
You are currently viewing 6월 2022 data.

Import market for Fresh Kiwifruit in Turkiye (6월, 2022)

Analyze import volumes, pricing trends, and supplier performance to uncover critical insights into market dynamics and growth opportunities for Fresh Kiwifruit in Turkiye. We also examine the roles of various stakeholders and how market conditions influence your business.

Market events
(6월 2022)

2022년 6월 27일
The Sakarya Metropolitan Municipality has commenced fruit production in the 140 decare area allocated to orchards within the UTÇEM project, marking a significant step towards illuminating Turkey's agricultural future. This initiative, encompassing an agricultural high school, orchards, museum, aromatic gardens, and more, aims to cultivate the next generation of agricultural engineers and experts. The project, which has already seen 15,147 saplings planted, includes 29 species and 59 types of fruit across 16 parcels, marking a crucial investment towards national income, employment, and meeting the raw material needs of the industrial sector. Notably, the initiation of avocado production signifies the first in Sakarya, capitalizing on the fruit's high added value and benefits for human health, as well as its potential to become the second most traded tropical fruit in Turkey.

Import prices of Fresh Kiwifruit in Turkiye (6월 2022)

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Avg price
0.14 USD/kg
Min price
0.05 USD/kg
Max price
0.30 USD/kg
Trade price data based on the transaction information reported on Bill of Lading (B/L) documents and through customs (Maximum data collection period: from 2021-12-31 to 2022-06-30).

Export volumes of Fresh Kiwifruit to Turkiye by company (6월 2022)

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Bar chart
Bar chart
Trade volume data for the top 10 exporting companies based on the transaction information reported on Bill of Lading (B/L) documents and through customs (Maximum data collection period: from 2021-12-31 to 2022-06-30).

Export price distributions of Fresh Kiwifruit to Turkiye by company (6월 2022)

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Box Plot Chart
Box Plot Chart
Trade price data for the top 10 exporting companies based on the transaction information reported on Bill of Lading (B/L) documents and through customs (Maximum data collection period: from 2021-12-31 to 2022-06-30).

Export prices of Fresh Kiwifruit to Turkiye by company (6월 2022)

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Avg price
0.24 USD/kg
Min price
0.23 USD/kg
Max price
0.24 USD/kg
Avg price
0.09 USD/kg
Min price
0.05 USD/kg
Max price
0.15 USD/kg
Avg price
0.08 USD/kg
Min price
0.08 USD/kg
Max price
0.08 USD/kg
Trade price data for the top 10 exporting companies based on the transaction information reported on Bill of Lading (B/L) documents and through customs (Maximum data collection period: from 2021-12-31 to 2022-06-30).

Export values of HS Code 081050 to Turkiye by country (6월 2022)

Bar chart
Bar chart
Trade price data for the top 10 exporting countries based on HS Code: 081050, derived from UN Comtrade and each country’s official Customs database.

Countries competing with Turkiye for imports for HS Code 081050 (6월 2022)

Rank of competitive importing countries by trade value. The values are the sums of imports from countries trading with Turkiye, not the total import values per country.
* Turkiye’s trade value is 689,417 USD.
443,605,946 USD
423,267,566 USD
249,046,152 USD
128,360,521 USD
United States
127,011,775 USD
South Korea
113,543,507 USD
105,150,833 USD
62,270,893 USD
45,188,922 USD
42,361,404 USD
Trade price data for the top 10 competing importing countries based on HS Code: 081050, derived from UN Comtrade and each country’s official Customs database.

Representative domestic price trend for Fresh Kiwifruit category in Turkiye (6월 2022)

Line Chart
Line Chart
Change rate for the previous 4 weeks
2022-05-23 - 2022-06-26
Change rate for the previous 12 weeks
2022-03-28 - 2022-06-26
Avg price
2021-06-21 - 2022-06-26
14.53 TRY/1 kg
Avg price of previous year
2020-06-22 - 2021-06-27
17.13 TRY/1 kg
Highest YoY change rate
2022-04-25 - 2022-05-01
Lowest YoY change rate
2020-11-02 - 2020-11-08
Domestic price data for selected attributes among domestic prices sourced globally by Tridge (Maximum data collection period: from 2021-12-31 to 2022-06-30).

Domestic prices for key specifications of Fresh Kiwifruit category in Turkiye (6월 2022)

Variety: 1
Average unit price
Average unit price
Fuzzy Kiwi - Hayward
89.40 TRY/KG
Domestic price data for selected attributes among domestic prices sourced globally by Tridge (Maximum data collection period: from 2021-12-31 to 2022-06-30).
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