Import market for Maize in Yemen
You are currently viewing 6월 2022 data.

Import market for Maize in Yemen (6월, 2022)

Analyze import volumes, pricing trends, and supplier performance to uncover critical insights into market dynamics and growth opportunities for Maize in Yemen. We also examine the roles of various stakeholders and how market conditions influence your business.

Market events
(6월 2022)

2022년 6월 16일
Dr. Ahmed Rizk, the head of the Central Department for Agricultural Pests Control at the Ministry of Agriculture, visited the North Delta pest control area to check on the status of crop control work and the availability of pesticides. He stressed the importance of regular traffic to detect and treat any armyworm or cotton pest infestations. The FAO has signed a cooperation document with the Ministry of Agriculture to implement the action plan for the Global Control of Fall Armyworm in Africa, the Near East, and Asia, with Egypt being chosen as a model country for controlling this pest.

Import prices of Maize in Yemen (6월 2022)

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Avg price
0.32 USD/kg
Min price
0.21 USD/kg
Max price
0.63 USD/kg
Trade price data based on the transaction information reported on Bill of Lading (B/L) documents and through customs (Maximum data collection period: from 2021-12-31 to 2022-06-30).

Import volumes of Maize in Yemen by company (6월 2022)

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Bar chart
Trade volume data for the top 10 importing companies based on the transaction information reported on Bill of Lading (B/L) documents and through customs (Maximum data collection period: from 2021-12-31 to 2022-06-30).

Import price distributions of Maize to Yemen by company (6월 2022)

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Box Plot Chart
Box Plot Chart
Trade price data for the top 10 importing companies based on the transaction information reported on Bill of Lading (B/L) documents and through customs (Maximum data collection period: from 2021-12-31 to 2022-06-30).

Import prices of Maize to Yemen by company (6월 2022)

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Avg price
0.52 USD/kg
Min price
0.52 USD/kg
Max price
0.52 USD/kg
Trade price data for the top 10 importing companies based on the transaction information reported on Bill of Lading (B/L) documents and through customs (Maximum data collection period: from 2021-12-31 to 2022-06-30).

Export volumes of Maize to Yemen by company (6월 2022)

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Bar chart
Trade volume data for the top 10 exporting companies based on the transaction information reported on Bill of Lading (B/L) documents and through customs (Maximum data collection period: from 2021-12-31 to 2022-06-30).

Export price distributions of Maize to Yemen by company (6월 2022)

The company names can be viewed after purchasing access. Unlock hidden data.
Box Plot Chart
Box Plot Chart
Trade price data for the top 10 exporting companies based on the transaction information reported on Bill of Lading (B/L) documents and through customs (Maximum data collection period: from 2021-12-31 to 2022-06-30).

Export prices of Maize to Yemen by company (6월 2022)

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Avg price
0.24 USD/kg
Min price
0.23 USD/kg
Max price
0.26 USD/kg
Avg price
0.24 USD/kg
Min price
0.24 USD/kg
Max price
0.25 USD/kg
Avg price
0.26 USD/kg
Min price
0.24 USD/kg
Max price
0.28 USD/kg
Avg price
0.24 USD/kg
Min price
0.23 USD/kg
Max price
0.26 USD/kg
Avg price
0.53 USD/kg
Min price
0.52 USD/kg
Max price
0.56 USD/kg
Trade price data for the top 10 exporting companies based on the transaction information reported on Bill of Lading (B/L) documents and through customs (Maximum data collection period: from 2021-12-31 to 2022-06-30).

Export values of HS Code 110313 to Yemen by country (6월 2022)

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Trade price data for the top 10 exporting countries based on HS Code: 110313, derived from UN Comtrade and each country’s official Customs database.

Countries competing with Yemen for imports for HS Code 110313 (6월 2022)

Rank of competitive importing countries by trade value. The values are the sums of imports from countries trading with Yemen, not the total import values per country.
* Yemen’s trade value is 2,310,136 USD.
Saudi Arabia
4,458,636 USD
3,537,003 USD
3,287,443 USD
3,162,552 USD
3,067,140 USD
2,959,426 USD
United States
2,268,363 USD
2,014,196 USD
1,613,716 USD
1,394,000 USD
Trade price data for the top 10 competing importing countries based on HS Code: 110313, derived from UN Comtrade and each country’s official Customs database.
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