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The Impact of Climate Change and Irregular Weather Patterns on Agriculture in South America in 2024
Gabriela Cabezas ·
2025년 1월 31일
Chilean fresh fruit exports to Japan grow by 30%
( So far in the 2024-2025 season, fruit exports have reached 10,383 tons, showing an increase of 30.29% compared to the previous year, led by table grapes, which represent 57%
Agraria ·
2025년 2월 28일
Rennet cheeses and frozen fish have become cheaper in the Altai Republic
Also, retail prices for carrots, onions, and millet decreased in the region According to the Altai Kraistat, prices for a number of dairy products decreased on the consumer market of the Altai Republic during the week from February 17 to 24. Thus, rennet cheeses fell in price by 7.2% (to RUB 839.42 per kg), pasteurized milk — by 1.4% (to RUB 118.12 per l). At the same time, sour cream increased in price by 3.2% (to RUB 356.99 per kg), butter — by 2.6% (to RUB 1,304.31 per kg), sterilized milk — by 1.8% (to RUB 119.38 per l), cottage cheese — by 1.3% (to RUB 450.32 per kg). In the vegetable segment, carrots fell in price by 5.7% (to RUB 55.71/kg), onions by 3.2% (to RUB 47.3/kg), and potatoes by 1.1% (to RUB 62.55/kg). At the same time, tomatoes rose in price by 2.9% (to RUB 309.23/kg). White cabbage cost an average of RUB 64.38/kg. In the meat products group, there was a decrease in average prices for canned meat for baby food (by 3.4%, to RUB 1,095.35/kg) and chilled chicken ...
Specagro ·
2025년 2월 28일
A naturally occurring aquatic species, found throughout the seas of Vietnam, was "hunted" by Europeans.
Inadequacies in the issuance of Certificates of Origin (S/C) and Certificates of Origin (C/C) of exploited aquatic products have made it impossible for all processed shipments from shrimp raw materials of some aquatic products enterprises to be exported to the EU.
Danviet ·
2025년 2월 27일
전문가 오피니언과 인사이트를 통해 수산물의 최신 농업 주제를 발견하세요. 이는 전 세계 시장 분석가 팀이 제공합니다.
Japan's Food Self-Sufficiency Overview: Challenges, Impacts, and Future Strategies for National Security
Bojan Mijatovic ·
2024년 9월 9일
Impact of Weather Events on Ecuador's Agricultural, Productive, and Energy Sectors
Gabriela Cabezas ·
2024년 4월 23일
Navigating the Growth of the Organic Fish Farming Industry
Gabriela Cabezas ·
2024년 4월 2일
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현지 업데이트
현장 전문가의 통찰력으로 제공되는 거의 실시간 업데이트를 통해 수산물의 시장 상황, 공급망 중단, 가격 변동에 대한 정보를 얻으세요.
High Atlantic Cod Prices Persist in Europe Amidst Limited Supply in Dec-24
Guilherme Rua ·
2024년 12월 6일
Norway's Fresh Salmon Exports Surge by 8.8% WoW in W48, With Prices Increases and Positive Outlook for Q2-25
Guilherme Rua ·
2024년 12월 4일
Norway's Superior Salmon Prices Soared by 11.5% WoW Amid Increased Exports
Guilherme Rua ·
2024년 11월 27일
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정책 변화, 비즈니스 통찰, 기술 혁신 및 수산물에 영향을 미치는 시장 동향을 다루는 최신 농업 뉴스를 통해 최신 정보를 얻으세요.
Vietnam injects momentum into shrimp industry to accelerate exports
Foodmate ·
2025년 2월 26일
First batch of Philippine frozen durian arrives in China
Foodmate ·
2025년 2월 26일
Favored by China's wealthy, Vietnam's giant shrimp exports increase by 179%
Danviet ·
2025년 2월 25일
The Government asks the meat sector to remain calm in the face of threats from China and the US
PEefeagro ·
2025년 2월 25일
Tuna, Mackerel, and Crab Not Caught… Coastal Fishing Amounts Lowest in 50 Years
Agrinet ·
2025년 2월 25일
U.S. state lawmakers, industry groups urge Trump administration to impose tariffs on shrimp imports
Foodmate ·
2025년 2월 25일
Japan's bluefin tuna supply surges as prices rise 30%
Foodmate ·
2025년 2월 25일
Falkland Islands squid season start delayed to March 1
Foodmate ·
2025년 2월 24일
Blue Carbon Certification of Seaweed That Receives Global Attention
Fisheco ·
2025년 2월 24일
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주간 상품 업데이트
전문 글로벌 분석가가 제공하는 트렌딩 수산물 주제 및 주요 상품에 대한 프리미엄 주간 업데이트를 받아보세요.
W17 Salmon Update: NQSALMON Decreased by 7.6% WoW, Declining Salmon Catch Forecasted in Russia, and Surging Norwegian Salmon Prices
Lei Wang ·
2024년 4월 30일
W16 Salmon Update: Surging Norwegian Salmon Prices Reflect Strong Market Demand
Nur Hameed ·
2024년 4월 26일
W15 Salmon Update: Challenges and Concerns in Norway's Salmon Industry: Currency Shifts, Export Decline, and Rising Low-Quality Production
Ferhat Erdem ·
2024년 4월 17일
W14 Shrimp Update: Vietnam’s Shrimp Exports Increase while US to Impose Tentative Countervailing Duties on Imports
Victor Langat ·
2024년 4월 12일
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수산물의 주요 트렌드, 새로운 기회, 그리고 중요한 문제를 다루는 상세 리포트를 심층 분석하세요.
February 2024 Outlook Report: Meat and Seafood
Rene Salinas ·
2024년 2월 9일
From Sea to Market: Analyzing Global Pollock Trade Patterns in 2024
Rene Salinas ·
2024년 2월 5일
January 2024 Outlook Report: Meat and Seafood
Rene Salinas ·
2024년 1월 7일
H1 2024 Outlook - Frozen Crab Asia
Rene Salinas ·
2023년 12월 11일
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