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Unlocking Vietnam’s Pineapple Export Potential: A Strategic Market Expansion
Juhwan Lee ·
2025년 2월 11일
Jeju Island begins ‘1/2 thinning’ for high-quality tangerine production
[Reporter Jaenam Kang, Korea Agricultural and Fishery Newspaper] Jeju Island has started a 1/2 thinning project for citrus orchards this year to produce high-quality citrus fruits and increase farm income. Jeju Special Self-Governing Province announced that it will establish guidelines for the citrus orchard thinning project in 2025 and focus its administrative power until April. The province has been promoting a 1/2 thinning project for 994 ha of citrus fruits for 2,530 farms for the past five years from 2020 to last year, and plans to promote the project on a scale of 100 ha this year. Farmers who wish to thin should submit an application for thinning and proof of ownership of the citrus orchard to the National Agricultural Cooperative Federation or the local community center where the citrus orchard is located by the 28th.
Agrinet ·
2025년 2월 17일
‘Quota Tariff’ US Tangerine Imports Jump… Tariff-Free Starting Next Year
As tariffs on American tangerines (mandarins) are scheduled to be abolished starting next year under the Korea-US Free Trade Agreement (FTA), the government’s quota tariff policy has led to a sharp increase in imports last year. Criticism has been raised that the government has taken the lead in opening up the import market by applying excessive quota tariffs to items that can directly compete with domestic tangerines. According to the Korea Customs Service, last year’s mandarin imports were 2,874 tons, nearly five times more than in 2023 (587 tons). Foreign mandarins were first imported into Korea in 2017. At that time, imports were only 0.1 tons, but they have been gradually increasing to 8.4 tons in 2018, 512 tons in 2020, and 529 tons in 2022. The sudden surge in mandarin imports last year, which had been only about 500 tons per year since 2020, is analyzed to be due to the lower tariffs caused by the Korea-US FTA and the government's application of quota tariffs in the ...
Nongmin ·
2025년 2월 10일
Italian blue crabs are becoming increasingly infected with parasites
According to the Italian Tgcom24 website, blue crabs are an alien invasive species from the Atlantic Ocean, which now poses a serious threat to Italy's ecological environment. Italian experts have called on people to take advantage of natural enemies and solve this "alien invader" by cooking and eating. However, this method may no longer be applicable. In the spring of 2024, fishery workers in the Emilia-Romagna region reported that some blue crabs were found to be unconscious or dying, resulting in a significant drop in commercial value. Researchers at the Specialized Research Center for Aquaculture of the Venice Veterinary Institute found that a large number of blue crabs were infected with a pathogenic parasitic dinoflagellate called Hematodinium. This parasite can spread infection among crustaceans, resulting in a decrease in their natural population, which has an adverse impact on the ecological environment and fisheries. Although this parasite does not threaten human health, it can infect blue crabs with a disease called "bitter crab disease". As the name of the disease suggests, the meat of blue crabs infected with parasites becomes bitter and difficult to swallow after cooking. If you choose to eat blue crabs raw or undercooked, you may face potential health risks, such as infection with Vibrio, which can lead to acute gastroenteritis. From April to May 2024, researchers collected a total of 225 blue crab samples from seven lagoon areas in the three regions of Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Veneto, and Emilia-Romagna, with at least 30 samples collected from each location to assess the health of blue crabs. Preliminary test results show that the infection rate of blood egg whipworms in different regions varies significantly. No such parasites were found in samples from Friuli-Venezia Giulia; the parasite infection rate of blue crab samples in Veneto was 33%; and the infection rate of samples in Emilia-Romagna was as high as 97%. At present, researchers still find it difficult to determine whether this blue crab "plague" will cause greater harm.
Foodmate ·
2025년 2월 7일
전문가 오피니언과 인사이트를 통해 단순 가공 과일의 최신 농업 주제를 발견하세요. 이는 전 세계 시장 분석가 팀이 제공합니다.
Chile's Cherry Exports Surge as Chinese Demand Grows and Market Challenges Persist
Xchel Perez ·
2025년 2월 10일
Shifting Tides in the Banana Trade: How Vietnam Surpassed the Philippines in China's Market
Juhwan Lee ·
2025년 1월 16일
Vietnamese Durian Exports to EU Face Stricter Food Safety Regulations Amid Rising Inspections
Bojan Mijatovic ·
2025년 1월 10일
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현장 전문가의 통찰력으로 제공되는 거의 실시간 업데이트를 통해 단순 가공 과일의 시장 상황, 공급망 중단, 가격 변동에 대한 정보를 얻으세요.
Egyptian Strawberry Prices Expected to Rise by Over 30% in 2024/25 Season Amid Increased Farming Costs and Global Demand
Ahmad Shalaby ·
2024년 11월 4일
Egypt's Frozen Strawberry Export Prices Rise in Jun-24 Due to High Demand and Low Stock
Emad Kader ·
2024년 7월 18일
Dried Apricot Prices in Egypt Rose 50% YoY in Feb-24
Emad Kader ·
2024년 2월 27일
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정책 변화, 비즈니스 통찰, 기술 혁신 및 단순 가공 과일에 영향을 미치는 시장 동향을 다루는 최신 농업 뉴스를 통해 최신 정보를 얻으세요.
In Ukraine, a rise in the price of tangerines is predicted
Agropolit ·
2025년 2월 1일
Cherries and plums remain the most cultivated fruit species in our country
Agri ·
2025년 1월 25일
Four out of ten Costa Ricans do not consume frozen chicken for fear of getting sick
Agromeat ·
2025년 1월 24일
Relaxation of quarantine requirements for fresh citrus fruit exports to the Philippines
Aflnews ·
2025년 1월 22일
Imported frozen strawberries are on a roll
Nongmin ·
2025년 1월 22일
Air cargo available for exporting tangerines to the Philippines
Nongmin ·
2025년 1월 22일
Fears of hepatitis A in frozen blueberries in the Netherlands
MXfruit ·
2025년 1월 16일
Dried blueberry market to experience accelerated growth by 2027
Portaldelcampo ·
2025년 1월 15일
Prices for chilled or frozen chicken in São Paulo rise this Thursday (9)
NoticiasAgricolas ·
2025년 1월 9일
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W41 2024: Strawberry Weekly Update
Gabriela Cabezas ·
2024년 10월 18일
W24 2024: Strawberry Weekly Update
Xchel Perez ·
2024년 6월 20일
W12 Pineapple Update: Panama’s Pineapple Exports Expand into Oceania Following New Zealand's Approval, Vietnam's Pineapple Fields Thrive Despite Dry Season, and LPNM Plans to Establish Miri as a Sustainable Pineapple Product Marketing Hub
Pauline Fay Enriquez ·
2024년 3월 30일
W12 Strawberry Update: Peruvian Strawberry Exports Decline in Feb-24, EU Monitors Second Batch of Moroccan Strawberries for Hepatitis A
Pauline Fay Enriquez ·
2024년 3월 30일
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단순 가공 과일의 주요 트렌드, 새로운 기회, 그리고 중요한 문제를 다루는 상세 리포트를 심층 분석하세요.
February 2025 Outlook Report: Fruits
Bojan Mijatovic ·
2025년 2월 14일
January 2025 Outlook Report: Fruit
Bojan Mijatovic ·
2025년 1월 16일
2025년 농식품 산업 시장 기회: 2024년 주요 사건 분석
Tridge 마켓 인텔리전스 팀 ·
2024년 12월 31일
2025 Market Opportunities Report: 2024 Key Events Analysis
Tridge 마켓 인텔리전스 팀 ·
2024년 12월 31일
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