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China: Infant Formula Milk Powder Product Risk Prevention Investigation Association Exchange Meeting was successfully held
On October 30, 2024, the Infant Formula Milk Powder Product Risk Prevention Inspection Association Exchange Meeting was held in Beijing. A Danish delegation of 9 people visited the China Nutrition and Health Food Association to exchange views on the risk prevention of infant milk powder products. The delegation was led by Anette Haurum, Special Veterinary Advisor of the International Cooperation Department of the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration and Project Manager of the China-Denmark Strategic Industry Cooperation. The delegation members were composed of staff from the Royal Danish Embassy in China, and representatives from the International Cooperation Department, International Trade Department, Food and Feed Safety Department, and Chemistry and Food Quality Department of the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration. Li Xiaoyu, Director of the Infant Formula Food Registration Department of the Special Food Safety Supervision and Management Department of the State Administration for Market Regulation, and Liu Xiaoyi, First-level Researcher, Li Liangqiu, Executive Vice President of the China Nutrition and Health Food Association, Hao Bin, Deputy Secretary-General, Wang Mengting, Deputy Minister of the Regulatory Department, and Yin Shian, Chairman of the Infant Formula Food Branch of the China Nutrition and Health Food Association, attended the meeting. The meeting was chaired by Zhang Zhongpeng, Secretary-General of the Association. Anette Haurum, Special Veterinary Advisor of the International Cooperation Department of the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration and Project Manager of the China-Denmark Strategic Industry Cooperation Ms. Haurum introduced the Danish visitors and the purpose of their visit. She mentioned that Denmark and China have very close cooperation, and Denmark is very interested in the supervision and development, policies and regulations of China's infant formula milk powder. Li Liangqiu, executive vice president of the China Nutrition and Health Food Association, introduced the high-quality development of China's infant formula food industry on behalf of the Chinese side. She mentioned that there are currently 1,219 infant formula milk powder product formulas approved in my country, from 152 companies, and the qualified rate of infant formula food safety sampling in 2023 will reach 99.93%. Although the number of births is decreasing, China is still a huge consumer market for infant formula milk powder. The China Nutrition and Health Food Association is willing to continue to be an industry leader, regulatory participant, and regulator. As a proponent, self-discipline practitioner, and scientific communicator, we build platforms, pool resources, and lead the industry to a higher quality development. Yin Shian, Chairman of the Infant Formula Food Branch of the China Nutrition and Health Food Association, introduced the development trend of infant formula food research and development in China: Starting from the changes in the formula standards of infant formula milk powder products, he mentioned that breast milk is the gold standard for formula formulation. Today, breast milk research is just the tip of the iceberg. Future research and development should further focus on the differences in breast milk components in the 0-6 month age segment, the structure of breast milk and the interaction between different components, and new optional ingredients. At the meeting, the two sides had in-depth exchanges on topics such as infant formula milk powder consumer needs and concerns, organic products, innovative application of raw materials, and standard construction.
Foodmate · 2024년 11월 6일

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떠오르는 시장 기회

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지속 가능성 및 환경 영향

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