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마켓 이벤트
(11월 2022)
2022년 11월 30일
In the September-October period of 2022, the Russian Federation experienced a significant surge in sunflower oil exports, reaching 344,600 tons, which is more than double the exports of the previous year. The main importers of Russian sunflower oil were Turkey, China, and India, accounting for 136,000, 82,000, and 34,000 tons, respectively. This increase in exports is linked to a rise in production, favorable global prices, a zero export duty on sunflower oil, and a decrease in supplies from Ukraine. As of November, the cost of sunflower oil from Russia was approximately $1.26 thousand per ton, with no export duty imposed since October, a situation that will persist until the end of the year. The weak market presence of Ukrainian sunflower oil has further boosted the demand for Russian products.