이탈리아에서 신선 멜론의 수입량, 가격 동향, 공급업체 성과를 분석하여 시장 역학과 성장 기회에 대한 중요한 인사이트를 확인하세요. 다양한 이해관계자의 역할과 시장 조건이 비즈니스에 미치는 영향을 조사합니다.
마켓 이벤트
(6월 2022)
2022년 6월 29일
Italy is experiencing significant losses in its fruit and vegetable production due to extreme heat and drought, with losses up to 15% and damages to various fruits and vineyards. The heatwave, part of a larger trend of extreme weather events due to climate change, has led to an increase in fruit and vegetable consumption by an average of 20% and has cost Italian agriculture three billion euros in 2022. The situation has also impacted the country's agricultural employment and production. Coldiretti, the Italian farmers' association, is advocating for measures to reduce energy and production costs, and a national plan to recover and reuse up to 50% of rainwater to mitigate the effects of drought.