이탈리아에서 헤이즐넛의 수입량, 가격 동향, 공급업체 성과를 분석하여 시장 역학과 성장 기회에 대한 중요한 인사이트를 확인하세요. 다양한 이해관계자의 역할과 시장 조건이 비즈니스에 미치는 영향을 조사합니다.
마켓 이벤트
(6월 2022)
2022년 6월 21일
The International Nut Council Congress's round table on hazelnuts has reported an uptick in production from the primary hazelnut-producing countries, with Turkey leading the charge. Despite a slight decrease from the record harvest of 2021/22, Turkey's harvest for the 2022/23 season is projected to reach 760 thousand tons. Italy's production is on the mend after a poor harvest last year, but a severe drought has slightly diminished the forecast for the 2022/23 crop. The US, with an expanding planted area in Oregon, is expected to see a significant increase in production for the 2022/23 season, marking a new high of 74 thousand tons. The report also highlights improvements in productivity and quality across producing countries.