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마켓 이벤트
(6월 2022)
2022년 6월 28일
A recent study published in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, authored by a international team of researchers, has revealed the crucial role of light and the circadian clock in regulating rice flowering. The research focuses on phytochrome B, a light receptor that interacts with the "Evening Complex," a key part of the plant circadian clock, to control rice flowering time. The study finds that phytochrome B inactivation of the EARLY FLOWERING 3-1 (ELF3-1) protein leads to late flowering by suppressing flowering genes. Additionally, the research utilizes CRISPR/Cas9 to demonstrate that knockout mutants of the "Evening Complex" proteins, including ELF3-1, ELF3-2, and LUX, fail to flower, underscoring the complex's importance. The future goals of this research include adapting rice varieties to specific environmental conditions by manipulating their flowering times, with potential applications in enhancing rice cultivation productivity and reducing cultivation risks.