Harvesting of late crops continues in Ukraine, and as of November 7, 9.68 million tons of sunflower (from 95% of the area), 5.82 million tons of soybeans (from 96% of the area) and 20.24 million tons of corn (from 83% of the area) ).
As of November 4, 2024, 4,296,000 ha (96% of the planned area) were sown with winter wheat, 543,600 ha (85%) with winter barley, and 1,073,500 ha (96%) with rapeseed.
On November 1-6, Ukraine exported 612.2 thousand tons of corn, 199.3 thousand tons of wheat, 13.2 thousand tons of barley, 104.2 thousand tons of soybeans, 139.4 thousand tons of rapeseed, 0.2 thousand tons of sunflower, 96 thousand tons of sunflower oil, 5.2 thousand tons of soybean oil and 56 thousand tons of soybean and sunflower pulp.
China imported 8.09 million tons of soybeans in October, which was the highest monthly figure in the last 4 years.
At the same time, in 2024/25 the EU increased corn imports compared to the previous season by 8% to 6.6 million tons. At the same time, compared to last year, the share of the USA in the volume of corn imported to the EU increased from 1.4% to 18.6 %, Serbia - from 1.4% to 6.8%, and Brazil decreased from 42.7% to 20%.
There is no sharp increase in quotations on MATIF yet