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아르헨티나 소맥 산업을 형성하는 최신 트렌드와 중요한 이벤트를 발견하세요.
European wheat market: French wheat prices continue to fall on weak demand
As of Thursday (January 16), the delivery price of first-grade French wheat at the port of Rouen, France, was $236/ton, down $3 from a week ago. The price range in the past 52 weeks was $209 to $277 per ton. The price of second-grade wheat in the upper river of Argentina was $229/ton, unchanged; the price of US No. 2 hard red winter wheat was $251/ton, up $1; the price of US No. 2 soft red winter wheat was $232/ton, up $1. From the trend of the futures market, on Friday (January 17), the most active March wheat futures on the Euronext closed at 226.75 euros/ton, down 6.25 euros or 2.68% from a week ago. Chicago wheat rose 1.51% during the same period. European wheat futures fell to a six-week low of 2 on Thursday. 25.25 euros, as sentiment in the spot market in Western Europe was sluggish due to weak exports. Market participants were also adjusting positions ahead of the three-day long weekend in the United States and the inauguration of U.S. President-elect Donald Trump on Monday, who has said he would impose new tariffs on trading partners including China. The outlook for European wheat exports is weak as Black Sea and Argentine wheat are cheaper and more best suited to meet limited international demand. A research note from British trader Frontier Agriculture said there is still no sign that the weak euro is bringing much business to EU wheat exporters. Russian 12.5% protein wheat for January/February shipment was quoted at around $235-239 per tonne FOB at Black Sea ports on Friday, with overall The price of Argentine 11.5% protein wheat is about $223-226 per ton. In addition, the EU is also interested in purchasing cheap Ukrainian feed wheat, which is quoted at about 230 euros per ton (including delivery to northern Germany) and 239 euros per ton (including delivery to northern Italy). On Thursday, Egypt's state-owned procurement agency MMSD said it had signed a new wheat supply agreement, but the lack of purchase details left market participants confused about how the new national grain buyer would operate. Last month, buyers in the country had booked enough wheat to meet demand until June. In France, port data confirmed an increase in barley exports, including two shipments of barley to Jordan, and a shipment of A rare ship to Libya and more cargo to Morocco. But wheat loadings remain scarce. A week ago (10th), Senalia, which operates the largest terminal at the French port of Rouen, predicted that its grain exports in 2024/25 would be 1.6 million tons, down more than half year-on-year. The pace of wheat exports from the port of Rouen remained sluggish in the second week of 2025 Haropa, the operator of the port of Rouen, France's top wheat export port, said that as of the week of January 15, the port of Rouen exported 42,800 tons, up from 31,339 tons of wheat in the previous week. The export volume of milling wheat from the port of Rouen in December 2024 was 238,218 tons, down from 306,313 tons in the same period of 2023.2023/2
Foodmate · 2025년 1월 20일
European wheat market focus of the week: French wheat prices rose 1% in 2024
As of Thursday (January 2), the delivery price of first-grade French wheat at the port of Rouen, France, was $248/ton, up $4 from a week ago. The price range in the past 52 weeks was $209 to $277 per ton. The price of second-grade wheat in the upper river of Argentina was $231/ton, up $3; the price of US No. 2 hard red winter wheat was $252/ton, down $1; the price of US No. 2 soft red winter wheat was $235/ton, down $2. From the trend of the futures market, on Friday (January 3), the most active March wheat futures on the Euronext closed at 233 euros/ton, up 0.25 euros or 0.11% from a week ago, which was also the second consecutive week of increase; Chicago wheat fell 3.16% during the same period. In the past year, the pan-European exchange has Wheat futures on the Euronext fell first and then rose. Pan-European wheat futures prices fell to a four-year low due to strong Black Sea exports and ample global supply. However, Russia's early growth of winter wheat in the next season was poor, domestic wheat prices in Russia rose, and the government took measures to restrict exports, such as raising tariffs and cutting export quotas in the first half of 2025. These factors helped support the rise in European wheat prices. However, due to the poor wheat harvests in France and Germany, the export supply has decreased, and fierce export competition is the main factor restricting the rise in European wheat futures and spot prices. Strategic Grains Company lowered its forecast for EU wheat exports in 2024/25 to the lowest level in six years in its monthly report on December 19, but with the expected increase in wheat production next year, the EU Exports are expected to rebound in 2025/26. Fundamental data: EU wheat production is expected to increase in 2025/26 On December 19, Strategic Grains Company predicted for the first time that EU soft wheat production in 2025/26 will reach 126.6 million tons, an increase of 11% year-on-year; soft wheat exports are estimated to be 29.3 million tons, an increase of 5.5 million tons or 23.1% year-on-year. Strategic Grains lowered EU wheat production in 2024/25 to 114.2 million tons, lower than the 114.4 million tons forecast last month, which is also the lowest production in 12 years; wheat exports in 2024/25 were lowered to 23.8 million tons, 1.4 million tons lower than the 25.2 million tons forecast last month, which is also the lowest export level in six years, because the EU wheat quotation Due to the lack of competitiveness of Black Sea supplies, exports have been slow so far this year. On December 19, the European Commission lowered the EU soft wheat production in 2024/25 to 111,857 million tons, 431,000 tons lower than the 112,617 million tons forecast last month, and 13.33 million tons or 10.6% lower than the 125.185 million tons last year (the forecast last month was 10.0% lower year-on-year), which is also the lowest in 12 years, because the unfavorable planting conditions in autumn last year led to a reduction in planting area, and rainy weather affected crop growth and harvesting. Wheat imports are expected to be 7 million tons, the same as last month's forecast, and lower than 9.58 million tons last year; wheat exports to third countries are estimated at 25 million tons, the same as last month's forecast, and 35.33 million tons last year.
Foodmate · 2025년 1월 6일

일간 뉴스레터를 받아보고 항상 최신 정보를 확인하세요

Tridge 뉴스레터를 통해 전 세계 농식품의 새로운 트렌드와 발전에 대한 정기적인 업데이트를 받을 수 있습니다.

인기 주제

아르헨티나 소맥 산업에서 의사 결정에 영향을 미치는 주요 이슈와 관련된 기사를 탐색할 주제를 선택하세요.

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지속 가능성 및 환경 영향

지속 가능한 농업 관행에 대한 통찰력을 얻고 귀하의 농업 비즈니스에서 환경 영향을 최소화할 수 있는 최상의 방법을 탐구하십시오

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Durum Wheat | Winter Wheat | WW/SW (=Soft White Wheat=Western White) | Soft Wheat | HRW (=Hard Red Winter Wheat) | Spring Wheat | HRS (=Hard Red Spring Wheat) | Bulgur | Spelt (=Triticum Spelta) | SRW (=Soft Red Winter Wheat)
가공 유형
Dried | Roasted
White | Red | Purple
'쿠키 허용'을 클릭하면 통계 및 개인 선호도 산출을 위한 쿠키 제공에 동의하게 됩니다. 개인정보 보호정책에서 쿠키에 대한 자세한 내용을 확인할 수 있습니다.