이집트에서 신선 바나나의 수입량, 가격 동향, 공급업체 성과를 분석하여 시장 역학과 성장 기회에 대한 중요한 인사이트를 확인하세요. 다양한 이해관계자의 역할과 시장 조건이 비즈니스에 미치는 영향을 조사합니다.
마켓 이벤트
(6월 2022)
2022년 6월 2일
The article provides an overview of the agricultural market in Germany, focusing on fruits, vegetables, and crops available during the period. It highlights an increase in strawberry availability, but with varying quality due to rainfall, leading to price fluctuations. Dutch and Belgian apples were the main supplies, with no significant price changes. Pears were dominated by South African imports, and grapes were led by South African and Chilean varieties. Apricot supply rose, leading to a decrease in prices. Spain and Italy dominated the peach and nectarine markets. Lemons were sourced from Spain and Turkey, with a new addition from South Africa. The supply of cauliflower was largely German, with some contributions from Belgium, Netherlands, and France. Demand for cucumbers exceeded supply, causing a price increase. Tomatoes were sourced from the Netherlands and Belgium, with a rise in prices for tomatoes on the vine. Pepper supply was led by the Netherlands, with minor contributions from Turkey and Belgium. Asparagus saw traders increasing prices after a long period of low prices due to reduced supply and good demand.