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주간 상품 업데이트
W49 2024: Tomato Weekly Update
Nur Hameed ·
2024년 12월 13일
Laconia sold 5.70 euros of olive oil, record exports last year for Italy and this year for Turkey
The Olive Oil Agricultural Cooperative of Molaion - Pakia proceeded, on Tuesday (7/1/2025), to sell a barrel of extra virgin olive oil.
Agrotypos ·
2025년 1월 8일
The EU is also in the game for compensation for olive trees due to special climatic conditions, Aftias also intervenes in the European Parliament
A willingness to further support producers where objective evidence certifies a loss of income due to extreme weather conditions during the previous growing season is expressed by the political leadership of the Ministry of Rural Development, at least based on what was mentioned during the budget discussions in Parliament. The EU is also in the game for compensation for olive trees due to special climatic conditions, intervention by Aftias in the European Parliament . Both the minister, Costas Tsiaras, and the deputy minister, Dionysis Stamenitis, left open the possibility of special support even for olive growers, as everyone knows that the last olive growing season left many rural areas with a large production deficit, which accordingly affects the income of producers. From the podium of Parliament, the minister last Friday briefly presented the main priorities of the ministry and the government in agricultural matters with a view to 2025 , informally prioritizing them as follows: 1. Support for producers – reduction of production costs (interrelated elements) 2. Reorganization of Organizations – Supervised Bodies, such as OPEKEPE 3. Promoting a resilient and sustainable future for the Greek farmer
Agronews ·
2024년 12월 18일
Olive oil: Italy high, Spain low, Greece no commercial interest
Average producer prices of over 8 euros per kilo for extra virgin olive oil were recorded in Italy in November 2024, according to Commission data.
Agrotypos ·
2024년 12월 18일
전문가 오피니언과 인사이트를 통해 이탈리아 채소의 최신 농업 주제를 발견하세요. 이는 전 세계 시장 분석가 팀이 제공합니다.
Japan's Food Self-Sufficiency Overview: Challenges, Impacts, and Future Strategies for National Security
Bojan Mijatovic ·
2024년 9월 9일
High Energy Costs Still Affecting Dutch Greenhouse Tomato Production and Trade
Bojan Mijatovic ·
2023년 4월 19일
Italian Carrot Traders Expect a Second Chance in 2023 after Last Year’s Negative Results
Bojan Mijatovic ·
2023년 3월 30일
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현장 전문가의 통찰력으로 제공되는 거의 실시간 업데이트를 통해 이탈리아 채소의 시장 상황, 공급망 중단, 가격 변동에 대한 정보를 얻으세요.
Extreme Weather Challenges for Greek Leafy Vegetable Supply Chain
Theodoros Damvakaris ·
2023년 9월 5일
Kiwi Supply Decrease From Italy Spurs Price Surge in the Colombian Market During W29
Jose Caballero ·
2023년 8월 1일
Sudden Cold Temperatures in Italy Resulted in High Prices of Green Vegetables in W3
Marina Benino ·
2023년 1월 20일
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정책 변화, 비즈니스 통찰, 기술 혁신 및 이탈리아 채소에 영향을 미치는 시장 동향을 다루는 최신 농업 뉴스를 통해 최신 정보를 얻으세요.
Tomato prices in the EU in November exceeded the 5-year average by 9%
Agrotimes ·
2024년 12월 17일
Italy: Eggplants take off, courgettes are doing well, and tomatoes are collapsing
Terraevita ·
2024년 12월 17일
The future of olive groves in the EU, in the hands of new production systems
OliMerca ·
2024년 12월 16일
10-year production forecasts of table olives from the EU
Agrotypos ·
2024년 12월 12일
World: The garlic planting area doubles in Egypt
Eastfruit ·
2024년 12월 11일
The government protects Made in Italy not just with words
Agricolae ·
2024년 12월 9일
Europe must intervene to stop
Tomatonews ·
2024년 12월 6일
The EU olive oil market froze thanks to the rains, one and a half euros separates farmers and trade
Agronews ·
2024년 12월 6일
Monini: Producing extra virgin olive oil in Italy should not cost more than 6 euros ·
2024년 12월 6일
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W47 2024: Tomato Weekly Update
Xchel Perez ·
2024년 11월 29일
W46 2024: Tomato Weekly Update
Nur Hameed ·
2024년 11월 22일
W44 2024: Potato Weekly Update
Nur Hameed ·
2024년 11월 8일
W31 2024: Potato Weekly Update
Nur Hameed ·
2024년 8월 9일
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February 2024 Outlook Report: Fruits & Vegetables
Bojan Mijatovic ·
2024년 2월 9일
January 2024 Outlook Report: Fruits & Vegetables
Tridge 마켓 인텔리전스 팀 ·
2024년 1월 8일
December 2023 Outlook Report: Fruits & Vegs
Tridge 마켓 인텔리전스 팀 ·
2023년 12월 1일
November Outlook: Fruit and Veg
Tridge 마켓 인텔리전스 팀 ·
2023년 11월 3일
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