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주간 상품 업데이트
W8 2025: Onion Weekly Update
Xchel Perez ·
2025년 2월 28일
Imported garlic is pouring into the EU: Where is most of it coming from now?
According to Luis Fernando Rubio, director of the National Association of Spanish Garlic Producers and Traders (ANPCA), the quality of Spanish garlic stored this year is good and there is just enough stock to finish the sales season. However, most Spanish companies are limiting free market sales because there is little available volume outside of the quantities previously contracted.
Agronaplo ·
2024년 12월 15일
World: The garlic planting area doubles in Egypt
According to EastFruit, following the usual cycle of garlic acreage and after a limited last season, growers have doubled their garlic acreage in Egypt this year. According to one grower, last season was very good, with very high local and international demand. As a result, many growers have decided to grow garlic this season. The doubling of the acreage marks a return to normal production, as last season, the garlic acreage in Egypt was halved compared to the previous season. The next season starts in March and growers are expecting strong demand. To supply the Egyptian market, importers are buying garlic from China. One importer says, “Chinese prices are good at the moment and we can import garlic in good sizes and shapes, although the taste is less pronounced than Egyptian garlic, but the local market accepts it.” According to GLOBAL MARKET OVERVIEW GARLIC, the garlic supply chain
Eastfruit ·
2024년 12월 11일
Global: Apples have become more expensive, although their supply has doubled – analysis of trading platforms for the week
Key moments of the past week: — Apple is the new sales leader, and its supply has doubled — Sales of tangerines were conducted by representatives from 5 countries at once — In the vegetable segment, sales of borscht vegetables predominated — The number of advertisements for the sale of Chinese cabbage and tomatoes increased — Participants from Uzbekistan continue to increase sales of cauliflower, broccoli and lemon — Carrots are getting cheaper in Ukraine, but onions are getting more expensive — Participants from Uzbekistan have reduced prices for apples and pears — Pomegranate continues to rise in price in Egypt These and other trends in the region's fruit and vegetable markets are covered in the weekly review of EastFruit trading platforms. Last week, fruit and vegetable products in the EastFruit Trade Platform group were sold by participants from 14 countries, while the total number of advertisements increased by 10%. Representatives from Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Egypt and Iran increased their sales. At the same time, the supply of goods from Poland and Turkey decreased. Offers from participants from Albania and India reappeared.
Eastfruit ·
2024년 12월 2일
전문가 오피니언과 인사이트를 통해 이집트 파속 식물의 최신 농업 주제를 발견하세요. 이는 전 세계 시장 분석가 팀이 제공합니다.
Intense Competition and High Prices Expected in Egypt's 2023/24 Garlic Season
Bojan Mijatovic ·
2024년 4월 11일
Egyptian Onion Exports to the EU More Than Doubled in MY 2022/23
Juan Carlos ·
2023년 9월 8일
Webinar Recap: Introducing New Opportunities in Global Fruit & Vegetable Trade
Bojan Mijatovic ·
2023년 3월 17일
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현지 업데이트
현장 전문가의 통찰력으로 제공되는 거의 실시간 업데이트를 통해 이집트 파속 식물의 시장 상황, 공급망 중단, 가격 변동에 대한 정보를 얻으세요.
Egypt's Red Onion Prices Surged 40% in Dec-24 Due to Supply Shortage
Emad Kader ·
2024년 12월 25일
Egyptian Onion Prices Surged by 25% MoM in Aug-24 Due to High Demand and Low Supply
Emad Kader ·
2024년 8월 5일
Fresh Onion Prices in Egypt Surged by 150% MoM in Jul-24
Emad Kader ·
2024년 7월 3일
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정책 변화, 비즈니스 통찰, 기술 혁신 및 이집트 파속 식물에 영향을 미치는 시장 동향을 다루는 최신 농업 뉴스를 통해 최신 정보를 얻으세요.
Egypt: Within the crop intensification program, onions will be planted on cotton for the 2024/2025 season; the Eastern Agriculture Department is holding an advisory seminar for farmers in the village of Tal Miftah in Abu Hammad Center
Sharkia ·
2024년 11월 14일
Egypt: Vegetable prices stabilize in Obour Market today, November 4
Akhbarelyom ·
2024년 11월 4일
World: Apples and tangerines are becoming more expensive, carrots have become more abundant, but prices are rising
Eastfruit ·
2024년 11월 4일
Date of decrease in the price of onions in Egypt
Akhbarelyom ·
2024년 10월 30일
Global: Potato supply doubled, and persimmons are now more abundant than apples – analysis of trading platforms for the week
Eastfruit ·
2024년 10월 28일
Egypt: Vegetable and fruit prices today, Tuesday 10-15-2024, in the Obour and sectoral markets
Almalnews ·
2024년 10월 15일
Egypt: Vegetable and fruit prices today, Monday 10-14-2024
Almalnews ·
2024년 10월 14일
World: Sales of Chinese cabbage, onions, beets, and carrots are growing, while white cabbage is declining
Eastfruit ·
2024년 9월 30일
Egypt: Vegetable prices today, Saturday, September 21
Akhbarelyom ·
2024년 9월 21일
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주간 상품 업데이트
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W7 2025: Onion Weekly Update
Gabriela Cabezas ·
2025년 2월 21일
W6 2025: Onion Weekly Update
Pauline Fay Enriquez ·
2025년 2월 14일
W5 2025: Onion Weekly Update
Nur Hameed ·
2025년 2월 7일
W4 2025: Onion Weekly Update
Xchel Perez ·
2025년 1월 31일
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이집트 파속 식물의 주요 트렌드, 새로운 기회, 그리고 중요한 문제를 다루는 상세 리포트를 심층 분석하세요.
February 2025 Outlook Report: Vegetables
Gabriela Cabezas ·
2025년 2월 14일
January 2025 Outlook Report: Vegetables
Bojan Mijatovic ·
2025년 1월 16일
December 2024 Outlook Report: Vegetables
Bojan Mijatovic ·
2024년 12월 13일
November 2024 Outlook Report: Vegetables
Bojan Mijatovic ·
2024년 11월 15일
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최신 기술 혁신이 전 세계 농식품 공급망을 어떻게 재구성하고 있는지 알아보세요
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농식품 공급망 전반에 걸쳐 효율성을 개선하고 비용을 절감하며 운영을 간소화하는 검증된 전략을 발견하세요
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생산 및 가공에서부터 저장 및 운송에 이르기까지 공급망 전반에 걸쳐 식품 안전 및 품질 관리를 위한 세계 최고의 관행을 배우세요
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