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신선 토마토 산업을 형성하는 최신 트렌드와 중요한 이벤트를 발견하세요.
[Prices at a glance] Cherry tomatoes, imports increase compared to previous years… price slightly down
The price of cherry tomatoes is weaker than last year. This is because the abundant sunlight has helped them grow well, increasing the amount brought into the market. On the 26th, at Garak Market in Seoul, ‘cherry tomatoes (general)’ were traded at 22,438 won per 5kg box. This is 40.3% lower than the average price in February of the previous year (37,609 won) and 2.3% lower than the average price in February of the previous year (22,976 won). Market officials analyzed that the price was particularly high last year rather than falling this year. Lee Jae-hee, director of the Central Government Complex, said, “Last year, the amount brought into the market decreased sharply due to the lack of sunlight from January to March,” and “Compared to that, except for a brief cold spell in early February, the weather conditions have been good this year, so they are growing well.” In fact, 313 tons of cherry tomatoes were brought into Garak Market from the 20th to the 26th. Compared to the same period last year (271t), it increased by 15.5%. Kim Tae-ok, the Korea Fruit and Vegetable Auctioneer, said, “Last year, the price of cherry tomatoes was good, so many farmers switched from other vegetables such as cucumbers to cherry tomatoes this year,” and “The crop was good, and the cultivation area also increased, so the amount imported increased compared to the average year.” The price of cherry tomatoes is expected to rise slightly in March. This is because fixed demand such as school meals will arise as schools at all levels open. Auctioneer Kim said, “Until the second week of March, the price of cherry tomatoes will remain higher than now due to demand for school meals for the new semester,” and predicted, “However, from late March, the price may fall again as the quantity is poured in.” Director Lee predicted, “If temperatures rise from the last week of February and the quality of cherry tomatoes improves, not only school meals but also household demand may increase.” Reporter Seo Hyo-sang hsseo@nongmin.com
Nongmin · 2025년 2월 28일

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신선 토마토에 관심이 있으신가요? 관심 있는 상품에 대한 더 깊은 통찰력을 얻기 위해 주요 속성과 옵션을 탐색해 보세요.
Cherry Varieties (=Cerises) | Beefsteak & Round Varieties (=Slicing Tomato=Round Tomato=Gourmet Tomato=Beefsteak Tomato=Co | Plum Varieties - Roma (Heirloom) (=Roma VF) | Plum Varieties (=Allongées) | Pear Varieties | Grape Varieties | Other - Cocktail Tomato (=Adeos) | Saladette Varieties | Other - RAF (=Resistente A Fusarium) (Heirloom) | Beefsteak & Round - Cherokee Purple (Heirloom)
가공 유형
Fresh (=Chilled) | Dried (=Dehydrated) | Dried - Sun Dried | Frozen - IQF | Frozen | Dried - Semidried | Pasteurized | Dried - SD (Spray Drying) | Salted | Extruded
Red | Green | Yellow | Orange | Pink | Turning Red | Black | Brown | Purple | Dark
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