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W50 2024: Beef Weekly Update
Victor Langat ·
2024년 12월 20일
Beef production in India forecast to rise 2%
The USDA Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA-FAS) post in India forecasts the country's beef production, which is mostly carabeef, to reach 4.64 MMT in 2025, according to a recent US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Global Agricultural Information Network (GAIN) report. This is a 2% increase over 2024 based on expectations of increase in international demand. In 2025, domestic consumption of carabeef is forecast to remain unchanged at 2.99 MMT due to ongoing food inflation concerns. India’s carabeef exports in 2025 are forecast at 1.65 MMT, up by nearly 4% from the estimated 1.58 MMT in 2024. Shipments to the traditionally high-volume market of Egypt are expected to be down in 2024, due to higher prices. However, Indian carabeef exports are anticipated to exhibit steady growth in markets like Malaysia, Vietnam, Iraq, United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia. Additionally, other countries with relatively smaller demand for Indian carabeef exports, including Oman, Senegal, Russia, and Uz
The Cattle Site ·
2024년 12월 24일
Indian beef exports to rise by 4% in 2025
India’s carabeef exports are estimated at 1.65 MMT in 2025, up by nearly 4% from 2024, according to a recent US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Global Agricultural Information Network (GAIN) report.
The Cattle Site ·
2024년 12월 20일
Wholesale beef prices continue to rise in India
The 2024 domestic wholesale price of beef and carabeef in India continues to rise, yet remains lower than pork, mutton, and fish, according to a recent US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Global Agricultural Information Network (GAIN) report. Price movement is influenced by overall inflation in the economy and seasonality – both weather/climate change, and religious festivities. Overall prices of livestock commodities are rising due to increasing cost of production. Such cost encompasses labour, fuel, and most critically feed and fodder Indian carabeef export prices are on a steady rise on account of the appreciating cost of production and increasing cost of freight.
The Cattle Site ·
2024년 12월 19일
전문가 오피니언과 인사이트를 통해 인도 소고기의 최신 농업 주제를 발견하세요. 이는 전 세계 시장 분석가 팀이 제공합니다.
Webinar Recap: Market Trends in the Meat and Seafood Industry
Rene Salinas ·
2023년 7월 25일
The UK and Taiwan Continue Push for Trade Growth With Recent Policy Changes
Mzingaye Ndubiwa ·
2023년 6월 2일
Webinar Recap: Currency Risks and Strategies in Agricultural Trade Amid Uncertainty
Rene Salinas ·
2022년 11월 25일
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현지 업데이트
현장 전문가의 통찰력으로 제공되는 거의 실시간 업데이트를 통해 인도 소고기의 시장 상황, 공급망 중단, 가격 변동에 대한 정보를 얻으세요.
Surge in Demand for Indian Bobby Veal in Saudi Arabian Market Amid Supply Shortages During W48
Mohamed Khalil ·
2023년 12월 2일
BULOG import Buffalo Meat from India as a subtitution from Beef to mitigate Beef Price Hike
Aditya Hartoto ·
2022년 3월 7일
Value paid for beef from Brazil is up to 41% lower than its competitors
Francielle Rozzatti ·
2020년 9월 28일
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정책 변화, 비즈니스 통찰, 기술 혁신 및 인도 소고기에 영향을 미치는 시장 동향을 다루는 최신 농업 뉴스를 통해 최신 정보를 얻으세요.
Tight global supply to hit beef, opens doors for other proteins
Farmweekly ·
2024년 12월 17일
Tight global supply to hit beef, opens doors for other proteins
Queenslandcountrylife ·
2024년 12월 17일
Tight global supply to hit beef, opens doors for other proteins
Farmweekly ·
2024년 12월 17일
What are the largest beef producers in the world?
Beefpoint ·
2024년 11월 27일
MAPA mission in India ensures market opening for bone derivatives and expands access to bovine genetic material of Brazil
NoticiasAgricolas ·
2024년 11월 11일
Argentina will close the year with the largest volume of beef exported in a century globally
Agromeat ·
2024년 11월 5일
World trade is coming with improvements
Campototalweb ·
2024년 11월 4일
Brazil to dominate chicken exports in 2025, while beef and pork production to decline, USDA says
Agromeat ·
2024년 10월 22일
Mercosur exports to the global market are projected to rise by 1% annually
Elagro ·
2024년 10월 17일
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전문 글로벌 분석가가 제공하는 인도 소고기 주제 및 주요 상품에 대한 프리미엄 주간 업데이트를 받아보세요.
W49 2024: Beef Weekly Update
Victor Langat ·
2024년 12월 13일
W48 2024: Beef Weekly Update
Victor Langat ·
2024년 12월 6일
W47 2024: Beef Weekly Update
Victor Langat ·
2024년 11월 29일
W46 2024: Beef Weekly Update
Victor Langat ·
2024년 11월 22일
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인도 소고기의 주요 트렌드, 새로운 기회, 그리고 중요한 문제를 다루는 상세 리포트를 심층 분석하세요.
December 2023 Outlook Report: Meat and Seafood
Rene Salinas ·
2023년 12월 1일
November Outlook: Meat & Seafood
Rene Salinas ·
2023년 11월 3일
October Outlook Report - Meat and Seafood
Rene Salinas ·
2023년 9월 29일
September Outlook Report: Meat and Seafood
Rene Salinas ·
2023년 9월 1일
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