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2025 US Beef Market Outlook: Declining Production and Increasing Imports Amid Anticipated Trade Policy Shifts
Victor Langat ·
2024년 11월 28일
주간 상품 업데이트
W8 2025: Beef Weekly Update
Victor Langat ·
2025년 2월 28일
US cattle futures weaken
Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) lean hog futures fell to two-month lows on Monday, hit by profit-taking and growing uncertainty over domestic and export demand in the coming months, Reuters reported, citing market analysts. CME February lean hogs settled down 2.525 cents at 81.625 cents per pound, having reached lows of 80.900 cents per pound earlier in the session, their lowest point since Oct. 21. Fears about future pork demand from China, the world's leading pork importer, weighed on markets Monday, said Karl Setzer, partner at Consus Ag Consulting. China's economy, the second largest in the world, has struggled this year with a property crisis and tepid domestic demand. Possible hikes in US tariffs on China's goods when US President-elect Donald Trump takes office in January are also seen as headwinds to growth. Moreover, said Setzer, with the holiday season winding down in the US, traders are "starting to question how much consumer demand there will be when the holiday bills
The Cattle Site ·
2024년 12월 31일
US: Cattle association warns producers about returning filing requirements
Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals lifts nationwide preliminary injunction on enforcement of the Corporate Transparency Act.
Provisioner ·
2024년 12월 30일
US lean hog futures closed mixed
Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) live cattle futures ended higher on Friday, buoyed by rising wholesale beef prices and firm cash cattle markets, Reuters reported, citing traders. February live cattle settled up 0.550 cent at 190.650 cents per pound after reaching 190.875 cents, the contract's highest since Dec. 16. CME January feeder cattle futures finished up 2.075 cents at 261.375 cents per pound and March feeders ended up 1.050 cents at 260.550 cents a pound. The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) priced choice cuts of boxed beef on Friday afternoon at $322.38 per hundredweight (cwt), up $1.99 from Thursday and the highest level since late October. Select cuts rose to $291.13 per cwt, up $2.36 from Thursday. Meanwhile, slaughter-ready cattle traded in the southern Plains cash market on Friday at $192 to $193 per cwt, up $1 to $2 from last week's cash trades, the USDA said. Profit margins for beef packers remained in the red with packers losing about $46 per head of cattle, a
Thepigsite ·
2024년 12월 30일
글로벌 시장 분석팀의 전문 의견과 분석을 통해 트렌딩 미국 뼈 있는 냉동 소고기 주제에 대한 인사이트를 탐색하세요.
US Beef Imports this 2023 Expected at their Highest Since 2005 on Lower Beef Production; Import Origins Are Changing
Rene Salinas ·
2023년 5월 30일
November 2022-Tridge Market Recap Report
Irene Lee ·
2022년 12월 2일
US Wholesale Beef Prices Drop to 19-Month Low on Drought-Driven Strong Cattle Slaughter
Rene Salinas ·
2022년 10월 27일
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현지 업데이트
현장 전문가가 제공하는 거의 실시간의 시장 상황, 공급망 중단 및 가격 변동에 대한 통찰력으로 미국 뼈 있는 냉동 소고기에 대한 최신 정보를 얻으세요.
China and USA Support Local New Zealand’s Beef Industry With a Positive Outlook in 2023
Breda Van Niekerk ·
2023년 1월 27일
Beef Demand in the US on the Rise as Domestic Beef Production Decreases
Breda Van Niekerk ·
2022년 12월 9일
Potential Drought Impacts on Cattle Markets in the United States
Kyle Weathersby ·
2022년 7월 7일
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정책 업데이트, 비즈니스 트렌드, 기술 혁신 및 미국 뼈 있는 냉동 소고기 마켓에 영향을 미치는 시장 역학을 포함한 농업 뉴스의 최신 개발을 모니터링하십시오.
US: New World screwworm in Mexico
Progressivecattle ·
2024년 12월 30일
The deadlines have been met and the US parliament will not be able to prohibit the entry of Paraguayan meat
Elagro ·
2024년 12월 26일
World: USDA adjusts 2025 beef production estimates downward
Ganaderia ·
2024년 12월 25일
Grain prices quiet ahead of holidays. Tuesday, December 24, 2024 in United States
UkrAgroConsult ·
2024년 12월 25일
World: WOAH calls on members to increase avian influenza surveillance
The Cattle Site ·
2024년 12월 24일
USA: Tight supplies, and high prices plague small processors
Provisioner ·
2024년 12월 23일
EU deforestation rule delay buys time for US beef producers
Meat+Poultry ·
2024년 12월 23일
Animal health concerns impacting US cattle trade with Mexico
Provisioner ·
2024년 12월 23일
USA: CME Feeder Cattle Index in 2024
Dtnpf ·
2024년 12월 23일
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W7 2025: Beef Weekly Update
Victor Langat ·
2025년 2월 21일
W6 2025: Beef Weekly Update
Victor Langat ·
2025년 2월 14일
W5 2025: Beef Weekly Update
Victor Langat ·
2025년 2월 7일
W4 2025: Beef Weekly Update
Victor Langat ·
2025년 1월 31일
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February 2025 Outlook Report: Meat
Victor Langat ·
2025년 2월 18일
January 2025 Outlook Report: Meat
Victor Langat ·
2025년 1월 16일
2025 Market Opportunities Report: 2024 Key Events Analysis
Tridge 마켓 인텔리전스 팀 ·
2024년 12월 31일
December 2024 Outlook Report: Meat
Victor Langat ·
2024년 12월 13일
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