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China: Yunnan issued seven measures to promote the accelerated development of the beef cattle industry
In order to further optimize and improve the support policies and stabilize the development of the beef cattle industry in the province, the Yunnan Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Yunnan Provincial Department of Finance and other four departments jointly issued the "Several Measures for Promoting the Accelerated Development of the Beef Cattle Industry in Yunnan Province", and formulated seven policy measures from the aspects of beef cattle breeding promotion, high-quality forage and fodder guarantee, cold chain transportation facilities and equipment construction, animal disease prevention and control, beef cattle production increase and quality improvement, poverty-stricken areas and people who have been lifted out of poverty to develop beef cattle breeding, and financial policy support. Several Measures for Promoting the Accelerated Development of the Beef Cattle Industry in Yunnan Province In order to implement the work arrangements of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government on promoting the high-quality development of the beef cattle industry, and accelerate the high-quality development of the beef cattle industry, this policy measure is specially formulated. 1. Support the promotion of fine breeds Support the expansion of Yunling cattle and Hua The coverage of improved varieties of beef cattle such as the Yunnan local varieties listed in the national livestock and poultry genetic resources variety catalogue, such as the West cattle and Wenshan cattle. For the provincial bull breeding stations that implement improved frozen semen throughout the province, a subsidy of 10 yuan per dose of frozen semen will be provided, and the total subsidy for a single entity in the year shall not exceed 1 million yuan. Funds are guaranteed through the central animal husbandry development fund (excellent variety subsidy).   II. Support the development of forage industry   Implement grain-to-feed projects, support the collection and storage of high-quality forage such as whole-plant silage corn, ryegrass, and forage oats, and provide a subsidy of no more than 60 yuan per ton. Implement the alfalfa development action to revitalize the dairy industry, and provide a subsidy of no more than 600 yuan per mu for newly added concentrated and contiguous alfalfa demonstration bases of more than 300 mu. Funds are guaranteed through the central animal husbandry development fund (grain-to-feed, alfalfa Development Action) to ensure.   III. Encourage the extension of the industrial chain   Guide slaughtering enterprises and farms (households) to establish a benefit linkage mechanism, develop order production, and support enterprises to improve related facilities and equipment such as cooling warehouses, low-temperature cutting, and cold chain transportation through facility agriculture investment subsidies and key enterprise loan interest subsidy policies. For new facility agriculture asset investment, if the actual investment amount is 50 million yuan (inclusive) to 100 million yuan, a one-time subsidy of 5% of the actual investment amount will be given. If the actual investment amount is 100 million yuan (inclusive) or more, a one-time subsidy of 10% of the actual investment amount will be given. The subsidy for a single entity shall not exceed 10 million yuan.   IV. Support animal disease purification   Strengthen the construction of animal disease prevention and control system, and continue to strengthen foot-and-mouth disease, brucellosis, Prevention and control of animal diseases such as bovine tuberculosis and bovine nodular dermatitis, actively support and encourage third-party social service agencies to carry out animal disease prevention and control. A reward of 300,000 yuan will be given to beef cattle farms that have passed the provincial purification farm assessment, and a reward of 500,000 yuan will be given to beef cattle farms that have passed the national purification farm or national disease-free community assessment. The same entity can apply for subsidies of different levels. Funds are guaranteed through provincial animal epidemic prevention subsidies.   V. Development of beef cattle production   Every year, a number of counties (cities, districts) are supported to implement grass-growing and livestock-raising projects, and the development and utilization of unconventional feeds such as cash crop by-products are encouraged to develop beef cattle breeding. Comprehensive assessments are conducted on the application counties, and appropriate support is given to border counties. 10 counties (cities, districts) are selected as project implementation counties, and more than 50 heads of cattle are slaughtered annually in the jurisdiction.
China Farming · 2024년 12월 31일

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Tridge 뉴스레터를 통해 전 세계 농식품의 새로운 트렌드와 발전에 대한 정기적인 업데이트를 받을 수 있습니다.

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시장 동향 및 가격

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지속 가능성 및 환경 영향

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공급망 관리

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떠오르는 시장 기회

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식품 안전 및 품질

생산 및 가공에서부터 저장 및 운송에 이르기까지 공급망 전반에 걸쳐 식품 안전 및 품질 관리를 위한 세계 최고의 관행을 배우세요

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Fresh (=Chilled=Raw)
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