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주간 상품 업데이트
W4 2025: Banana Weekly Update
Pauline Fay Enriquez ·
2025년 1월 31일
5 male date palm varieties registered for the first time in Egypt
Dr. Ahmed Helmy Hussein, Director of the Horticultural Research Institute affiliated to the Agricultural Research Center, said that a research team headed by Dr. Ahmed Othman Hamada, Head of Research at the Fruit Breeding Research Department at the Institute, was able to register five male date palms from the department's program at the Shendweel Island Research Station, in accordance with Ministerial Resolution No. 325 of 2024. This registration is the first in Egypt to register male palm varieties, under the auspices of Dr. Adel Abdel Azim, Head of the Agricultural Research Center. The Director of the Institute added that there are no males classified and registered before to pollinate different varieties of palms and import different palm varieties with great economic value. Dr. Ahmed Helmy Hussein, Director of the Institute, praised the research team and the effort made to make this work a success as the first registration of male varieties in Egypt. For his part, Dr. Ahmed Othman Hamada, Head of Research at the Fruit Breeding Research Department, said that male palms arise from seed cultivation, so they vary in all morphological characteristics, and when pollinated, some differences appear, such as early or late ripening and the percentage of falling, which also affects the physical characteristics. For fruits such as weight, diameter and length of the fruit as well as chemical properties.
Akhbarelyom ·
2024년 12월 25일
Egyptian and Lebanese Ministers of Agriculture follow up on joint cooperation files
Alaa Farouk, Minister of Agriculture and Land Reclamation, met with Abbas Al-Hajj Hassan, Lebanese Minister of Agriculture, to discuss ways to enhance cooperation in the field of agriculture and related activities, in the presence of Eng. Mustafa Al-Sayyad, Deputy Minister of Agriculture, within the framework of ongoing coordination with our brothers in Lebanon. Farouk stressed the directives of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, President of the Republic, to provide all forms of support to our brothers in Lebanon. During the meeting, the two ministers reviewed issues related to the exchange of agricultural products between the two countries and the removal of obstacles that may affect the flow of agricultural goods between the Egyptian and Lebanese sides, including Egypt's exports of potatoes, in addition to regulating the export of mangoes and palm seedlings to Lebanon, as well as importing some goods that distinguish the brotherly state of Lebanon. For his part, the Lebanese minister stressed that Egypt is the primary destination for importing what Lebanon needs, not only agricultural products, but also a number of industrial and medical products, among others, pointing to the efforts made by Egypt to stand during its recent ordeal, in addition to discussing the issue related to exporting citrus fruits to the Lebanese side. Read also | Agriculture stresses the importance of contractual agriculture
Akhbarelyom ·
2024년 12월 18일
Global: Apples have become more expensive, although their supply has doubled – analysis of trading platforms for the week
Key moments of the past week: — Apple is the new sales leader, and its supply has doubled — Sales of tangerines were conducted by representatives from 5 countries at once — In the vegetable segment, sales of borscht vegetables predominated — The number of advertisements for the sale of Chinese cabbage and tomatoes increased — Participants from Uzbekistan continue to increase sales of cauliflower, broccoli and lemon — Carrots are getting cheaper in Ukraine, but onions are getting more expensive — Participants from Uzbekistan have reduced prices for apples and pears — Pomegranate continues to rise in price in Egypt These and other trends in the region's fruit and vegetable markets are covered in the weekly review of EastFruit trading platforms. Last week, fruit and vegetable products in the EastFruit Trade Platform group were sold by participants from 14 countries, while the total number of advertisements increased by 10%. Representatives from Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Egypt and Iran increased their sales. At the same time, the supply of goods from Poland and Turkey decreased. Offers from participants from Albania and India reappeared.
Eastfruit ·
2024년 12월 2일
전문가 오피니언과 인사이트를 통해 이집트 열대성의 최신 농업 주제를 발견하세요. 이는 전 세계 시장 분석가 팀이 제공합니다.
Challenges in Logistics Could Hinder Growth in Indian Mango Exports
Bojan Mijatovic ·
2024년 4월 11일
Ramadan Preparations Lead to Elevated Prices in the MENA Region and South Asia
Mzingaye Ndubiwa ·
2023년 3월 20일
Webinar Recap: Introducing New Opportunities in Global Fruit & Vegetable Trade
Bojan Mijatovic ·
2023년 3월 17일
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현지 업데이트
현장 전문가의 통찰력으로 제공되는 거의 실시간 업데이트를 통해 이집트 열대성의 시장 상황, 공급망 중단, 가격 변동에 대한 정보를 얻으세요.
Lower Guava Production in Egypt Drives Prices Up in Sep-24
Emad Kader ·
2024년 9월 4일
Egypt's 2024 Mango Season Begins With a 40% Price Decline
Emad Kader ·
2024년 8월 13일
Egypt's 2024 Fresh Mango Season Faces Low Export Prospects Due to High Domestic Demand
Emad Kader ·
2024년 7월 18일
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정책 변화, 비즈니스 통찰, 기술 혁신 및 이집트 열대성에 영향을 미치는 시장 동향을 다루는 최신 농업 뉴스를 통해 최신 정보를 얻으세요.
World: Apples and tangerines are becoming more expensive, carrots have become more abundant, but prices are rising
Eastfruit ·
2024년 11월 4일
Egypt has stormed into Turkey's date market, increasing supplies 22-fold over the past five seasons
Eastfruit ·
2024년 10월 31일
Al-Abbasi: Egypt is the world's first producer of dates, with 1.9 million tons and 19 million fruitful palm trees
Alfallahalyoum ·
2024년 10월 30일
Egypt: We are waiting for the Chinese response to start exporting mangoes to Beijing
Almalnews ·
2024년 10월 27일
With a percentage of 42.9%, pomegranate is at the forefront of Egyptian fruit exports during the week
Almalnews ·
2024년 10월 20일
Egypt: Fruit prices today, Tuesday, October 15, in the Obour Market
Akhbarelyom ·
2024년 10월 15일
Egypt: Vegetable and fruit prices today, Tuesday 10-15-2024, in the Obour and sectoral markets
Almalnews ·
2024년 10월 15일
Egypt: Vegetable and fruit prices today, Monday 10-14-2024
Almalnews ·
2024년 10월 14일
World: Sales of Chinese cabbage, onions, beets, and carrots are growing, while white cabbage is declining
Eastfruit ·
2024년 9월 30일
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W48 2024: Avocado Weekly Update
Pauline Fay Enriquez ·
2024년 12월 6일
W47 2024: Mango Weekly Update
Pauline Fay Enriquez ·
2024년 11월 29일
W46 2024: Banana Weekly Update
Pauline Fay Enriquez ·
2024년 11월 22일
W46 2024: Mango Weekly Update
Pauline Fay Enriquez ·
2024년 11월 22일
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이집트 열대성의 주요 트렌드, 새로운 기회, 그리고 중요한 문제를 다루는 상세 리포트를 심층 분석하세요.
February 2023 Market Report
Tridge 마켓 인텔리전스 팀 ·
2023년 2월 28일
2022 End-of-Year Report
Tridge 마켓 인텔리전스 팀 ·
2023년 1월 12일
2020 End of Year Report: From COVID-19 to Trade Wars
Tridge 마켓 인텔리전스 팀 ·
2021년 9월 16일
August Outlook Report: Fruit and Veg
Tridge 마켓 인텔리전스 팀 ·
2023년 7월 29일
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